Cubs – Both Packs


2016 – Cub 100th Anniversary

Cub Scouts were launched in 1916 by Baden Powell.  This year Cub Scouting celebrates a year of Adventure as it reaches it’s 100th Anniversary.  We at the 1st Shipley Scout Group want to make it a year to remember.

At Christmas all cubs received a 100th birthday woggle and badge. We want to encourage you to wear tthese – the badge should be sown above the purple world badge and joining in number badges on the left shoulder.

The group has also allocated £1000 to help us celebrate!  Below is a poster advertising the events we have planned – one every month – to help use celebrate.

There is also a booking form.  Copies of these will be handed out on the 12th January (first night back).  Some events MUST BE BOOKED so please take a moment to complete the form and return it to your cub leader as soon as possible or by the 26th January 2016.

Here’s to a year of celebration, fun and adventure!

100 Anniversary Events Poster – please note the July Water Activity will now be held on Sunday 17th July (not Saturday 9th July as shown on the poster)

Activity Booking Form



Summer 2, 2016 Events Letter

Lots of exciting things for cubs and families to get involved in this term:

Cubs Summer 2 2016 Events Letter





Cub Scouts are young people aged between 8 and 10 1/2, who make up the second section of the Scouting family, between Beavers and Scouts.


Under some circumstances, Cub Scouts can join the Pack as young as 7 1/2 if, for example, they have friends joining at the same time, or are mature enough to move on early from Beavers, (and there is space in the Pack). Such decisions are taken by Cub and Beaver Scout leaders.


During their time in the Pack, Cub Scouts will get a chance to try lots of different activities like swimming, music, exploring, computing and collecting.

Cub Scouts also get to go on trips and days out, to places like the zoo, theme parks or a farm. Sometimes they will be able to go camping with the rest of the Pack and take part in all kinds of outdoor activities.

Structure and organisation

A Pack of Cub Scouts is organised into Sixes, with each Six named after a colour, and a Sixer and a Seconder in charge.

The recommended maximum size of a Cub Scout Pack is 36 Cub Scouts. To meet local circumstance this maximum number may be increased, either in the long term or the short term with the agreement of the Group Scout Leader.


There are a range of badges available which Cub Scouts can wear on their uniforms to show everyone how well they’re doing.