The week before October, February and May half term are Non-uniform nights where members have the chance to come in non-uniform for £1. Last night was our FIRST try – £18 was raised as 18 members did not come in uniform. There names were placed in a draw and the winner was picked at the end of Explorers last night. One Third of the money (to a maximum of £20) is set aside as the prize. Our first winner of the £6 (1/3 of £18) first prize is:
Dillon Holmes!
Well Done Dillon we will give you your prize when we next see you.
The more that enter, the bigger the prize and the more money raised for group funds. Next Non-Uniform Night will be Tuesday 18th February 2014.
Thanks to everyone who took part – if you didn’t win, better luck next time!
- be prepared...